Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Self Evaluation

My project was based around the image given of a leaf on a rainy window. I went through many ideas that didn't work but I finally came to a decision on an idea based around a daily routine. The idea around it, is to represent the feeling of 'cosiness' when  you relax after you get in from the cold and wet weather. The feature used to aid this atmosphere is Heinz soup. Therefore, my automatic research was based on the TV adverts as they have sequences where it promotes emotion more than the actual product.
I took the series of images over 3 days, as I wanted to photograph the ones staged indoors first that didn't need much setting up. Breaking up the sequence to work on certain concepts of shots worked nicely, so that I didn't go photographing all over again. This works perfect for the amount of time I had left to do the images as I didn't have much chance for a reshoot after the first and only one. The audience reached was aimed at the public, that target was reached as the set of images coherently met their aim enough.
My project was rushed towards the end for ideas, hence the more simplistic idea approached. It has encouraged me within food photography as I felt satisfactory when trying to photograph soup for the first time, despite it being a challenge to get the angles correct. I also feel that the research into film sequences has inspired me to take on board film research in the future, I enjoyed analysing the shots in order to give me some photographical inspiration.
If having the chance to complete this project all over again, I would retake the shots in the same day and also look more into films and adverts for inspiration as not enough was researched, this was due to lack of time with choosing an idea unfortunately.
Overall, I am quite pleased with the outcome I managed to achieve of my images.

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