Sunday, 28 October 2012


'Inception'.. It's a film about a dream, within another dream, within another dream. It's quite a confusing film to watch, but I managed to start understanding it around half way or 3/4's of the way through! 

I took several notes both in relation to the film and some as to the construction of the sequences/shots. Here are the notes that portray a mixture of observations:

- This is what I noticed when I wasn't quite understanding the plot. You see a shot of what one of the actors is seeing in front of him. This then cuts in to the actor's face; to enforce in seeing the reaction; then you see his hands; highlighting the use of body language. Already this type of sequence is something that I consider in my own work.

- There is a disastrous fire outside, orange and red glow that senses danger. On the inside of the window, it is calm and the atmosphere has a wealthy vibe to it.

- The dangerous scenes are dark, damp and action packed, whilst the calmer scenes are bright, warm and pleasant.

- The shaky camera also feels parallel to the destruction of the falling interiors.

- There is a match-on-action sequence where the actor falls into a bath of water, for then the scene to be taken to his dream where he crawls out of the water onto the beach.

- I notice a sequence of shots revolving around a train scene. There are shots inside the train - even though it is obvious they are in a train, there is then a very wide cut away of the train to show it travelling through the destination.

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