Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Self Evaluation

My project was based around the image given of a leaf on a rainy window. I went through many ideas that didn't work but I finally came to a decision on an idea based around a daily routine. The idea around it, is to represent the feeling of 'cosiness' when  you relax after you get in from the cold and wet weather. The feature used to aid this atmosphere is Heinz soup. Therefore, my automatic research was based on the TV adverts as they have sequences where it promotes emotion more than the actual product.
I took the series of images over 3 days, as I wanted to photograph the ones staged indoors first that didn't need much setting up. Breaking up the sequence to work on certain concepts of shots worked nicely, so that I didn't go photographing all over again. This works perfect for the amount of time I had left to do the images as I didn't have much chance for a reshoot after the first and only one. The audience reached was aimed at the public, that target was reached as the set of images coherently met their aim enough.
My project was rushed towards the end for ideas, hence the more simplistic idea approached. It has encouraged me within food photography as I felt satisfactory when trying to photograph soup for the first time, despite it being a challenge to get the angles correct. I also feel that the research into film sequences has inspired me to take on board film research in the future, I enjoyed analysing the shots in order to give me some photographical inspiration.
If having the chance to complete this project all over again, I would retake the shots in the same day and also look more into films and adverts for inspiration as not enough was researched, this was due to lack of time with choosing an idea unfortunately.
Overall, I am quite pleased with the outcome I managed to achieve of my images.

Final Images

Last shots

I went out this morning to shoot the last shots for my sequence. I found a puddle with some leaves in it that was perfect!
Here are the images:

This is the chosen image down to the best composition and focusing.
At f4.5 1/200 ISO 800

Monday, 29 October 2012

I managed to do some shots!

I worked out a shot that was more do-able without going outside. I decided to make the shopping bag be placed onto the worktop instead of it being carried. I did some test shots and then sprinkled water droplets on it, so it looked like it had been out in the rain.

Here are the images:

This is the chosen image as it's perfectly framed, everything central.
At f1.8 1/125 ISO 1600

I also attempted the wet shoe shots:

The best focus out of the three of them, so this one is chosen.
At f1.8 1/80 ISO 6400

All that is left now is the shot of a puddle or some leaves outside to complete the sequence!

Plan for more shots

I have decided to shoot the following tomorrow:
- Puddle/leaves (Depending what looks best)
- Bag of shopping on the counter
- Wet shoes off

More images taken

I just did some images of the soup I was about to consume! I've never photographed much food before, so this was quite a new thing for me. I have to say, I'd like to explore food photography in more depth sometime, it's a different path but something quite interesting as easy as it looks. I can tell you now, it's not majorly easy, but it's not too difficult.
Here are the images I took:

I felt this was too over exposed.

I didn't like the focus being on the spoon.

Again, I didn't like the focus on the spoon.

The image was a bit too 'flat' here, the angle of the shot needs to be further down.

Exposure improved, but something isn't right here.

This image is one of the better ones, but the focusing isn't quite right.

Again, the focusing isn't quite right on this one.

I feel this is the best image (even though I'll have to retouch the soup on the edges), it has an unusual angle to it and it's got the correct things in focus. I achieved this at f1.8 1/125 ISO 6400.

Unfortunately, I cannot get the rest of the images done as the daylight is now limited. I have 2/3 images left to complete which are the following:

- Puddle/Leaves
- Shopping bag outside
- Wet/leafy shoes

I could try and simulate the wet shoes if possible, but I shall keep you updated if I do manage the images tonight.

Images and Ideas

Yesterday, I took the first lot of images for the concept.
I chose the ones that were inside (minus the soup shots).
I tried to photograph the 2nd image; being putting socks on, but I just couldn't get it right!

I decided to discard this shot from the sequence as I feel it was too much repetition with the idea of getting ready to nip out, putting shoes on represents this enough.

Here are the rest of the other images that I took:

I was testing angles here.

Got the exposure better, but the angle still wasn't quite right.

The best out of the lot at f2.2 1/60 ISO 3200

Too much soft focus and under exposure.

Still too much soft focus, better exposure.

Better, too close of a shot though, the lock needs to be shown more.

Much better, didn't want my horrible nails to be shown though.

Photographing with one hand isn't easy!

Too blurry!

Finally made it with f1.8 1/60 ISO 3200

Too over exposed, forgot to change the settings from the last few shots!

Exposure changed, now to add the key..

Took a little time to angle and capture, but I managed it here at f3.2 1/100 ISO 1600

The exposure is decent, as is the angle, but the concept of the book on the bed wasn't what I was looking for..

Putting it on the desk felt much better, the exposure needed changing though as it was a different lit area.

I added in the mug to complete the all round 'cosy' effect, though I was only aiming to get the handle in.

A final shot with the book more flat which I feel looks much better than the book cutting off too much in the corner. This was achieved at f1.8 1/60 ISO 3200.